Sunday, May 20, 2012

When Life is 100mph

     Whew. This past week…I mean month, I mean…year has literally flown by. I can’t believe it is May 20th! This last week I have stayed pretty occupied with some things like…

Coffee dates with friends
Dinner with an awesome guy from Chili (and the fam…no this wasn’t a date;)
Working on junior thesis/homework
Working at Town Toyota Center
Celebrating mother’s day
Swimming and hot tubing with friends/family
Going to Seattle for protocol
Working in the yard
Watching adorable kiddos
“Hosting” the after-party for junior protocol (so much fun!)
Looking into colleges more and more
Quality time with my one and only sis
Planning events for this summer…

     And the list goes on…but I think you get the idea. Busy.
Taking a second to stop and think about it, I suddenly came to many realizations. I have…

1 more year until we visit Europe.
3 more weeks until summer break.
2 more weeks to work on my junior thesis.
5 more days until we begin the “gorge season”
1 more day until Shelby’s 15!....yes…15!
1 more year of high school left.

     So yes, these are quite the lists. Lots happened in the past week (not to mention the past year) and lots to look forward to in the future. But too often I can get so caught up into the “right now” and in living today…planning for tomorrow…and forgetting about the past. I can get way bogged down in homework assignments or how much money I am making. I procrastinate and find myself pulling too many late-nighters, depending and relying on coffee the next morning when I wake up 6 hours later. This has been my life the past month. Fun? More like draining.

     What I fail to do is remember Jesus in all this mess. My priorities shift to where they aren’t supposed to be. I worry about school. I fear about the future. And I forget to give thanks to what God has done for me.  

     So, for all of you high-schoolers out there who are feeling this same way these last weeks of school, let me encourage you the way I have been encouraged. Take a breather for these next five minutes to reflect on what we already have in Christ, and how to go about the finishing of this school year.

Why I worry/fear
     Let me be completely honest. I worry and fear because I don’t trust God, right? And why should I worry when I have a perfect, holy, grace-abounding, total loving, Son-giving, God who I get to call my Father? Yes. I think I answered my own question. When I worry and fear, it’s because I’m not trusting my God.

Why I forget
     I forget what God has done/is doing because I become so self-absorbed and self-centered. I find myself becoming a busybody instead of being busy for a somebody. There is a difference there, because when I am self-centered and my life is running 100mph it results in me looking like a chicken running around with it’s head cut off.

The good news
     Here’s the good news…I have found that In Christ, I have a better hope than getting an A on my thesis. In Christ, I have a better hope than getting a good-night’s rest. In Christ, I have a better hope and reason to get up after 6 hours of sleep (hint: and it’s not coffee!) In Christ, I have a better hope than making enough money to (fill in the blank). But let it be that In Christ, my hope is in the one who gave His life for me and forgave me of my sins, resulting in reconciliation with God. I am a daughter of God. God sees me in Christ and counts me as righteous. He is my strength, my comforter, my all. And for this, I have a reason to be hopeful, wake up, and live with a purpose…especially these last weeks of school.

     Is my life still running at 100mph? Yes. But I am encouraged that I can make it count for something, using every opportunity I have to tell people about The Somebody. I encourage you to preach to yourselves daily, dive into the Word, and remember what God has done for you through Christ. For when I find myself remembering this good news…it just get’s better and better and I become more and more thankful, hopeful, and inspired to tell others about the goodness of this God. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Favorite Quotes

I keep a document on my computer full of some awesome quotes I come across at random times. I was reading through them last night, and thought to post them here, in hopes that they may bless you, as they have been very encouraging words to me. I put my sources at the bottom: all great books/blogs/sites I recommend reading for sure! Enjoy!:)

“Sin happens when we don't trust God above everything (when we interpret in the wrong way) and when we don't desire God above everything (when we worship the wrong thing.)”
~Tim Chester 

"Do not become self-sufficient. Self-sufficiency is Satan’s net where he catches men, like poor silly fish, and destroys them. Be not self-sufficient. The way to grow strong in Christ is to become weak in yourself. God pours no power into man’s heart till man’s power is all poured out. Live, then, daily, a life of dependence on the grace of God."
~Charles Spurgeon

“Religion says ‘you must impress God,’ but the gospel says ‘Jesus impressed God for you.”

“If you live gladly to make others glad in God, your life will be hard, your risks will be high, and your joy will be full.”
~John Piper

 "What a comfort is this; when Satan is tempting, Christ is praying!"
~Thomas Watson (1663)

"Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter."
 ~Francis Chan

“Good theology will always lead to humility and worship. It displays the greatness of God. It reflects the beauty of Jesus and the gospel, and the wonder of God’s justice and mercy coming together in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.”
~Joe thorn 

“When you get down to the essence of our righteousness, we are not saints because we are saints, but because Jesus is. To be justified to God through Christ, then, means that having received the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, we are declared righteous ourselves, pardoned from the charge of guilt. We are reckoned innocent, not on the basis of our own innocence, mind you, but on the basis of Christ’s innocence."
~Justin Holcomb

“When you’re excited to see Jesus change lives, you get excited to play a part by giving. It’s not a chore; it’s an honor.”
~Jamie Munson

“Because of total depravity, you and I were desperate for God’s grace before we were saved. Because of total depravity, you and I remain desperate for God’s grace even after we’re saved."
~Tullian Tchividjian 

"Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior." 
~John Newton

Note to Self,Desiring God FB page,Gospel-Driven Sanctification,Money: God or gift,Tullian Tchividjian blog

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

So Thankful

Thankful for...

My best friend

Thankful for a best friend who encourages me in all circumstances.

Thankful for a best friend who makes me laugh at any given time of any given day.

Thankful for a best friend who displays courage when times are tough.

Thankful for a best friend who bluntly and lovingly states when I am being foolish.

Thankful for a best friend who plunks out lovely songs on the piano. (emphasis on “plunks”;) 

Thankful for a best friend who relies, trusts in, and loves Christ as her Savior.

Thankful for my best friend, Jaymie Noelle Poage.

My sister

Thankful for a sister who is especially outgoing.

Thankful for a sister who is inspiring in her passions.

Thankful for a sister who enjoys coffee dates and quality time.

Thankful for a sister who encourages those who are down.

Thankful for a sister who always initiates good conversation.

Thankful for a sister who sings, sings, sings!;)

Thankful for a sister who is selfless and serves me frequently.

Thankful for a sister who is in love with Jesus.

Thankful for my sister, Shelby Crystal.

My brother

Thankful for a brother who surprises me often with gifts.

Thankful for a brother who cooks amazing food!

Thankful for a brother who is always in for having a good time.

Thankful for a brother who cares so dearly for his 3 year old sister.

Thankful for a brother who regularly has theological discussions with me;)

Thankful for a brother who is passionate about the Word, and is always striving to understand it more and more.

Thankful for my brother, Corbin Schmidt.

My Savior

Thankful for a savior, one desperately needed.

Thankful for a savior who rescues me from sin and death and has brought me into eternal life by the price He paid on the cross.

Thankful for a savior who gifts me countless things including a new identity and a new reason to live…a better identity and a better reason than I could have ever come up with myself.

Thankful for a savior who is my hope, my rock, my truth, my anchor…so that when there’s a storm, in Him I can find peace (and only in Him).

Thankful for my savior, Jesus Christ.

    I am filled with thanks, and my heart overflows with joy because of all of these truths. I have been beyond blessed with people God has placed in my life, and these are only to name a few! Above all, Jesus has continued to be faithful and good. I had the awesome privilege to be one out of many to witness our precious friend, Abbi Milner, get baptized this last Sunday! She totally rocked it- speaking the truth and how God has been so good in her life. I encourage you to watch it here!:)

Praising God for His unending love, and all satisfying hope we have in Jesus Christ, our savior. Glory be to God!

“We also pray that you will be strengthened with all His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to His people, who live in the light. For He has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of His dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave us our sins.”
~Colossians 1:11-14